Hubby and I were headed to some friends’ house for dinner and were bringing dessert. It was a hot day and I started to ponder what to bring. My friend is an amazing cook and she enjoys experimenting with recipes too, so trying something new was safe with them.
The warmer days put me in the mood for something summer-y and cold. Mmm. Key lime pie! How to make it raw, vegan and gluten-free? Hmmm? Avocados are green and taste good with lime. That was my ah-ha and I headed to the kitchen to play.
It turned out to be not only easy, but also refreshing and quite tasty. Friends and hubby had seconds which is always a good sign.
So fast forward, life is busy and I kept meaning to post the recipe, but didn’t find a chance. Time to head to another get-together and low and behold, now I can’t find the recipe meticulously written down on the back of a piece of junk mail. (OK – organization is not my strong suite.)
Searching my brain rather than the pile of papers on my kitchen table, I decided to just get creative again and write everything down once more. I could remember for the most part how I made it. And of course, I decided to clean off my kitchen table, after I finished creating, and low and behold, I found the original recipe and forgot to add the cashews with the avocados which explained why the topping seemed a bit less than before. I decided to make a cashew topping for the new version and see which I liked better.
Both are good and you can decide which one you like best because hubby and I like them both and couldn’t decide!
Raw-vocado Key Lime Pie
1/3 cup almonds
1/3 cup cashews
1/3 cup pecans
6 -8 medjool dates (you may need a few more or a couple less depending on the size and moisture of your dates)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Mix all ingredients in food processor with S blade until they stick together by pinching. Nuts should be finely chopped, but not turned into nut butter. Spread and push down mixture to evenly coat bottom of 9 x 9” square cake pan.
2 ripe avocados
4 tbs raw agave nectar
3 tbs lime juice
1 tsp vanilla
¼ cup cashews
Mix all ingredients in food processor with S blade until creamy and smooth, spread on top of nut crust and store covered in the freezer until 5 – 15 minutes prior to serving (if frozen.) Take out and cut into pieces, allowing them to slightly thaw before serving. Pie filling will turn brown in about an hour after thawing, so keep frozen if possible.
Layered Raw-vocado Key Lime Pie
½ cup cashews
½ cup pecans
½ cup raw, dried, unsweetened coconut flakes
6 -8 Medjool dates (you may need a few more or a couple less depending on the size and moisture of your dates)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Mix all ingredients in food processor with S blade until they stick together by pinching. Nuts should be finely chopped, but not turned into nut butter. Spread and push down mixture to evenly coat bottom of 9 x 9” square cake pan.
2 ripe avocados
4 tbs raw agave nectar
2 tbs lime juice
3/4 tsp vanilla
Mix all ingredients in food processor with S blade until creamy and smooth, spread on top of nut crust. Freeze for 20 minutes.
1 cup soaked & drained cashews (soak for an hour or more so they blend smooth and creamy)
2 tbs agave
1 ½ tsps vanilla
Mix all ingredients in food processor with S blade until creamy and smooth, add a bit of water or a little more agave if needed. Spread on top of frozen avocado and store covered in the freezer until 5 – 15 minutes prior to serving (if frozen.) Take out and cut into pieces, allowing them to slightly thaw before serving. Pie filling will turn brown in about an hour after thawing, so keep frozen if possible.